Our partners

Housing 21 works with a range of stakeholders across England. We actively seek opportunities to be engaged with new initiatives and thinking which may positively impact on the housing and care which we offer. Some of our stakeholders are listed below.

Housing Learning and Improvement Network

The Housing LIN is a network which brings together housing, health and social care professionals in England, Wales, and Scotland to exemplify innovative housing solutions for an ageing population. The network is recognised by government and the housing with care sector as a leading ‘knowledge hub’ on specialist housing. 

Dementia and Housing Working Group

Housing 21 is the current Chair of the D&HWG which is comprised of housing providers, professionals and trade bodies working alongside the Alzheimer's Society, academic researchers, representatives of government departments and the health sector, including Department of Communities and Local Government, Homes and Communities Agency, Department of Health, NHS England and Public Health England. The D&HWG works across the UK, with particular focus on England.

Housing and Dementia Research Consortium

The HDRC is a membership group of organisations and individuals who are committed to research and knowledge exchange focusing on ‘what works’ for people living with dementia in housing and care settings. A core group of organisations, including Housing 21, makes up the steering group and funds the Research Coordinator’s position. The Association for Dementia Studies has hosted the HDRC since September 2014.

Alzheimer's Society

Housing 21 co-authored the Dementia-friendly housing guide with the Alzheimer's Society and we continue to work closely with them to promote the vitally important role which housing can play in helping people live well with dementia.

Elderly Accommodation Council

The Elderly Accommodation Counsel (EAC) is a national charity that aims to help older people make informed choices about meeting their housing and care needs. We work closely with them to ensure that older people have access to the information they need about our properties.


If you would like to know more about our external stakeholder work or how to get involved please contact communications@housing21.org.uk

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