Dementia-friendly housing guide

Housing 21 worked with the Alzheimer’s Society to co-author the Dementia-friendly housing guide which was a key deliverable of the Prime Ministers Challenge on Dementia 2020.

The purpose of the Dementia-friendly housing guide is to show housing organisations, corporate bodies and sector professionals how housing, its design and supporting services can help improve and maintain the wellbeing of people affected by dementia.

Across every part of the housing sector, organisations can make a valuable contribution to supporting people with living with dementia.

People with dementia face a range of challenges. These may include memory loss or difficulty communicating, mobility and navigation issues and other associated problems. Across every part of the housing sector, organisations can make a valuable contribution to supporting people with dementia facing these challenges.

This dementia-friendly housing guide seeks to make the housing sector including housing organisations, corporate bodies and sector professionals aware of the challenges of living with dementia so that it can improve home environments for people with the condition.

The guide is aimed at the full range of professionals working in the housing sector, from planners and architects to landlords and developers, housing managers and handypersons. It is designed to help all professionals support people living with dementia in their homes and facilitate consistency and good practice.

Organisations are encouraged to improve existing action plans or develop new ones in order to future-proof their organisations and services, and sign up to deliver a number of the commitment statements within the guide.

Download the dementia-friendly housing guide

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