Thank you to everyone who joined my ‘Grab a Cuppa with Kris’ session in May. In this session, I was joined by senior leaders from Extra Care and together we shared key updates on our Extra Care priorities, care satisfaction results and the Extra Care Residents’ Forum.  

If you missed the session, the recording is available to watch back on YouTube

Here’s a short summary of what we covered.  

Extra Care Priorities

We are working on refining our Extra Care Strategy with a focus on three key areas of Extra Care: resident satisfaction, performance, and quality and compliance.  

The strategy has been shared with the Extra Care Residents’ Forum for feedback and they have shared four additional areas they want to see:  

  • Enhancing digital connectivity for residents
  • Supporting schemes to develop resident associations
  • Focusing on customer service across all roles
  • Assess satisfaction more frequently. 

We will be sharing the strategy will our residents for comments to ensure that these priorities are the right ones for us to focus on.  

Care Satisfaction Results 

Thank you to everyone who completed the Care Survey. Overall, we received a 94 percent satisfaction rate across all of Extra Care this year, which is positive. However, the survey did highlight areas where we need to improve and we’ve grouped these into two themes: customer service and contact, and communication and information.   

Following the results, each scheme will have a meeting with residents and complete a joint action plan focused on the areas that need improvement. We will also be looking at national actions and will be linking with the national Resident Forum to progress these.  

Extra Care Residents’ Forum 

We would really like to see one representative from each court to join our Extra Care Residents’ Forum. It’s an excellent opportunity to have your voice heard and share your feedback. If you are interested, please get in touch with Ian Devereux, Chair of the Forum, who can provide more information about the role. You can contact him via email: 

Join the next ‘Grab a Cuppa’ session 

The next session will be held on Wednesday 14 August at 12noon.  

You will be able to join the meeting here. 

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