The 2024 Tenant Satisfaction Measures reports (TSMs) for schemes are now available.
These have been created from your responses in the 2024/2025 National Residents’ Survey. The report shows results for the 12 tenant satisfaction measures set out by the Regulator of Social Housing and is a great way to see feedback from residents.
The scheme reports are available for all schemes which received 10 or more responses to the national survey, and include Residents' Survey results, and Care Survey results for schemes with residents who receive care from us. The scheme reports also include a comparison to last year's satisfaction results, a comparison to the sector average, and some scheme performance data (including EPC rating, CQC rating and more).
If your report is not visible on the website, please ask your scheme manager to make this available to you.
Your feedback plays a big part in helping us improve and making your scheme a great place to live.
If you’ve got any questions or need any help finding this on our website, please contact your scheme manager.