Healthy and Safety Lead - Tony Tench

Tony Tench is Housing 21's Health and Safety Lead.

Housing 21 is committed to ensuring the safety of our residents, employees and contractors when living in or working in our properties.

A dedicated Health and Safety Lead for the organistion is required by the Social Housing (Regulation) Act 2023. This is to ensure the health or safety of tenants of social housing.

This role is assigned to the Deputy Chief Executive. Contact details of the post holder are provided to the Regulator of Social Housing (RSH) and published on Housing 21’s website and in relevant publications.

If the health and safety lead is unable to act due to absence or illness, Housing 21 is able to identify an alternative person for that period of time.

The functions of the role are to:

  1. Monitor Housing 21’s compliance with health and safety requirements;
  2. Assess risks of failure to comply with health and safety requirements;
  3. Notify the Regulator for Social Housing (RSH) of:
    1. any risks of material failures by Housing 21 to comply with health and safety requirements;
    2. any material failures by Housing 21 to comply with health and safety requirements;
  4. Provide advice to the Regulator as to how Housing 21 should address risks and failures notified to them for the purpose of ensuring that Housing 21 complies with health and safety requirements.

Housing 21 is responsible for ensuring that our Health and Safety lead:

  • Has sufficient authority (including, in particular, authority to obtain information) within the organisation;
  • Can devote sufficient time to the functions of the health and safety lead, to perform the role of health and safety lead effectively; and
  • Has the resources needed to carry out those functions.

The health and safety lead is not:

  • Responsible for the registered provider’s compliance with health and safety requirements, or
  • Liable for a failure by the registered provider to comply with health and safety requirements,

Relevant legislation:

  • Covenant under section 9A of the Landlord and Tenant Act 1985 (fitness for human habitation of dwellings in England);
  • Section 5(2) or 7(2) of the Housing Act 2004 (housing conditions: category 1 and 2 hazards) taken under legislation.

Contact information

You can contact Tony Tench directly by sending him an email.

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