Resident information

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    Resident news

    Get the latest resident news updates and information including the monthly newsletters and the quarterly 'catch up' online interactive sessions with Kris and Pam

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    Safety, advice and support

    Find help, advice and support relating to topics such as safeguarding, health and safety, finances or domestic abuse.

  • Report
    Publications, policies and guides

    Read, download and print guides and publications including the Residents' Handbook, Choice and Consensus Guide and Safeguarding

  • Meet
    Meet our residents

    Want to know more about what it's like to live in our Extra Care and Retirement Living schemes? Meet some of our residents; find out their reasons for moving and what it's like to live with us. 

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    Oldham PFI customers

    Information relating specifically to residents living in our Oldham PFI properties 

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    Kent PFI customers

    Information relating specifically to residents living in our Kent PFI properties 

  • Social
    Legislation, performance and data

    Information on the new Social Housing (Regulation) Act including what it means for residents and Housing 21, as well as our latest performance figures and Resident Privacy Notice

  • Complaints

    Details of how you can raise a complaint against Housing 21 and what you can expect from us

  • Contact
    Useful contact details

    Contact and information for organisations, charities and Government bodies 

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