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Posted 03 October 2023

Sash is originally from Kent and that was where he lived until 10 years ago.  

A recovering alcoholic, Sash was moved to sheltered accommodation.    

This was when he realised that to improve his life and create some distance between some of the choices he had made, he needed to move away from the area he currently lived in. 

At this point Sash had nowhere to call home and he felt he had this negative stigma linked to his addiction and the environment he lived in, hanging over him. His support worker helped him move to Birmingham, to a property that was owned and operated by another provider at the time. He had an interview straight away and two weeks later he moved in and never looked back.  

Sash has continued living at the same property through two acquisitions during this time. Before Housing 21 took over the Retirement Living scheme, he was looking to move to another housing association. Sash didn’t feel that the support was in place and that he could be himself living there.  

The scheme has recently received a refurb which he thinks is amazing and he loves to use the kitchen. "I've lived here for 10 years and been through two acquisitions; this is the best management and communication yet,” he said. 

Sash feels that the support from his Local Housing Manager, Sarah has helped him to stay on the right track, and now, with the support from Housing 21, he has been sober for three years. Having the reassurance of speaking to Sarah about any issues has helped Sash tremendously and he said: "I am the happiest living with Housing 21." 

Sash gets involved with resident activities and often helps Sarah cook samosas and curries in the communal kitchen.  

Harmony House is somewhere that Sash feels he can be himself.  

“Everything is at your doorstep, the scheme has a supermarket, doctors' surgery and other shops within walking distance which is great,” he said.  

Sash wants to share his story for other people who may be struggling and to know that there is support available.  

  • RL
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