
  • Aids, Equipment and Assisted Technology  

    Residents will be supported and signposted by Housing 21 employees to access suitable aids, equipment and assisted technology to support them to live independently and maintain their wellbeing.    

    Residents will be expected to fund aids, equipment and assisted technology themselves or through health and social care funding or loaning equipment from Integrated Community Equipment Service (ICES).  

    In exceptional circumstances, where no funding is available and health and social care are unable to provide equipment, Housing 21 will consider funding aids or equipment, up to £500 that will enable a tenancy to be sustained or will support the safety of individuals and other residents.        

  • Minor Adaptations  

    Housing 21 will fund adaptations up to a £1,000 in rented properties where no other funding source is available. An annual budget will be made available for such work.  In the first instance residents will be expected to make an application for Disabled Facilities Grant (DFG) funding for any works. Residents’ requests to self-fund adaptation will also be considered, along with requests using charitable funding. 

    Housing 21 will not unreasonably withhold permission for works to be carried out but retains the right to refuse, should there be a long term detrimental impact on the property and the cost of removing and returning the flat to its original state would be prohibitive and the adaptation would be unlikely to be of benefit to future residents when the property is re-let.  

    Housing 21 reserves the right to request an occupational therapist assessment, should a need for additional expert advice be identified, to support H21’s decision making process.    

  • Major adaptations  

    Housing 21 will future proof its homes at the design stage and as part of major work programmes to minimise/eliminate the need to undertake major adaptations.    

    Where major adaptations are required, a range of options will be considered to identify a suitable solution.  The options could include; a transfer to a suitable property, inclusion in a relevant scheme improvement programme, a Disabled Facilities Grant (DFG), an adaptation self-funded or funded by a charity.  These funding solutions can be combined to fund adaptations where no one funding source is sufficient to fully fund the adaptation.  Where part funding is available from external sources Housing 21 will consider part funding the work to the value of £1000.  

  • Funding Adaptations in Leasehold Properties  

    Housing 21 will not fund adaptations in respect of Leasehold properties as the repairing obligation is with the leaseholder. Leaseholders will be supported to make applications for DFGs and charitable funding. Where DFG funding is granted the local authority may place a charge on the property to recover the cost at the point of sale.

    Housing 21 leases require consent for a charge to be placed on leasehold properties. Housing 21 will not withhold consent without reason.  Where consent is withheld the resident will be advised or the reasons why.  

  • Technical Surveyor Approval  

    All proposed adaptations must be discussed with and approved by a Housing 21 Technical Surveyor.  Technical surveyors will provide advice and assistance, to contractors appointed by residents or local authorities where the project is funded by a DFG as well as Housing 21 appointed contractors. Technical surveyors will also stipulate the appropriate levels of insurance a contractor requires whilst carrying out the works.    


  • Ongoing Servicing Requirements for Adaptations  

    Some adaptations, for example stair lifts, will require ongoing maintenance servicing. Before permission is given to install an adaptation with an on-going servicing requirement, written confirmation must be provided by the resident that they understand the requirement and agree to fund the servicing cost themselves.  

  • Mobility Scooter Storage 

    Requests for onsite scooter storage will be considered in line with the wider Aids and Adaptations policy and the Mobility Scooter Policy.  

  • Adaptations in Communal Areas  

    The Equality Act 2010 imposes a duty on landlords to make ‘reasonable’ adjustments to accommodate disabled residents who as a result of their disability are unable to use common areas. In such instances, decisions will be made on a case by case basis, taking full account of the residents’ needs, available solutions and the cost, with full regard of legal obligations under the Equality Act 2010.      

    In respect of leaseholders wanting adaptations within the communal area, the requirements of the Equality Act are still applicable but the burden of cost lies with the leaseholder and Housing 21 may have regard for the views of other leaseholders when making any decisions – e.g., other residents may oppose the installation of a stairlift in the communal areas and Housing 21 may have regard for those views.  

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