Managing domestic abuse cases

Reports of domestic abuse are managed by operational management. We will repeat the risk assessment and action plan at appropriate points throughout our involvement to ensure we continue to take appropriate action. The safeguarding lead will provide guidance where needed for high risk of MARAC cases.

We will act to secure the victim/survivor’s home where a domestic violence incident has been reported to us. Measures to specifically reduce the threat of harm are set out below.

We will put a safety plan in place as a key part of the action plan. We will agree the safety plan with the victim/survivor and any supporting agencies where perpetrators remain in the home or have ongoing access to enter (for instance in the case of joint tenancy). This will set out specific details to equip the victim/survivor and their family with a strategy to leave the property and go to a safe place quickly if they feel at risk of harm.

We will promote the opportunity for the victim/survivor to remain in their home where it is their choice, and it is safe for them to do so. This may involve putting in place additional security measures, as described below.

Where we agree with the victim/survivor that rehousing is the best option, we will explore other housing opportunities. We continue to monitor the risk throughout and after the move, until we are satisfied that it has reduced to an acceptable level.

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