Receiving reports or concerns of domestic abuse

Concerns about, or reports of, domestic abuse could be reported to any member of Housing 21, but it must always be reported to the manager of the court or the managers line manager if needed.

We will accept reports and disclosures of domestic abuse through any available communication channel.

Where an employee of Housing 21 suspects or witnesses domestic abuse taking place in our courts, they must record the concerns on a safeguarding incident sheet if they do not have access to ERICA and handing the concern over to their manager. Where an employee has ERICA access, they must record the concern under safeguarding, domestic abuse. And if they are in an assistant manager role, covering manager, they must notify their line manager and the safeguarding lead via the other people to notify section at the bottom of the report.

We will provide clear guidance and training for all operational employees and operational managers on how to be alert to the indicators and signs of domestic abuse and how to report their concerns. Our contractors will also have information on how to report any concerns or domestic abuse through the contractor information.

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