Does a resident require permission to have a pet?

All residents must request permission before bringing a pet into their home, and all requests will be assessed by the Court Manager / Housing Manager /Housing and Care Manager, taking the needs and wishes of the resident into account alongside the factors noted in 1.1.

The wish to have a pet should be disclosed on all applications for Housing 21 accommodation. A decision to provide a tenancy will be based on the information provided.

Where a Court Manager / Housing Manager / Housing and Care Manager provides conditional permission, details of the pet should be added to the 'Add a Pet' page on 1st touch. This can be found by clicking on the resident’s flat number on the main screen, choosing tenancy management from the drop-down box and then clicking on 'Add a Pet'. All details should be filled in and then the resident should check and sign the information. Once complete a copy will be sent to the local managers email and a copy should be printed and given to the resident.

In the case of leasehold properties, details of the lease relating to pet ownership must be checked and take precedence over this policy.

Under no circumstances will permission be granted where a pet poses a potential risk or threat to other residents, employees or visitors to the scheme, or in the event that the pet would be detrimental to the health of other residents.

Housing 21 will always refuse permission for animals that are restricted by law, for example under the Dangerous Dogs Act and the Wildlife & Countryside Act.

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