Housing 21 Compensation Policy

Compensation Policy

Housing 21 is committed to delivering quality services to agreed standards. We recognise that we may occasionally fail to achieve our agreed standards or service, and this may result in causing distress, loss or inconvenience to our residents or other stakeholders. We will consider awarding compensation where it is shown that an individual has suffered due to the lack or failure of service within the control of Housing 21. 

This policy sets out when discretionary compensation will be considered by Housing 21. Examples might include: 

  • taking an unreasonable time to repair a building component that is our responsibility, and has resulted in a resident being unable to use part of their home 
  • by failing to carry out repairs which affect health, safety or security 
  • failure to reinstate a service for which we are responsible 
  • failure to meet a published level of service 
  • failure to deal with an issue that has resulted in undue stress, discomfort or additional expense 

It also highlights obligatory compensation which we must comply with in paying compensation in relation to: 

  • Right to Compensation for Improvements 
  • Home Loss payments 

Other related policies and procedures 

  • Complaints and compliments policy
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