Other Support Available

Pre-payment cards
In some circumstances the LA may support a resident to manage their finances by providing a pre-payment card. It may be agreed as part of the resident’s support plan that Housing 21 employees support the resident to use the pre-payment card to withdraw cash.

Where this is in place, access to the pre-payment card must be limited to a defined group of employees and this should be documented within the support plan and Handling Resident’s Finances Risk Assessment. Clear records of the use of the pre-payment card using the Resident Cash Handling Record must be kept along with copies of receipts, these must be made available to the LA as part of audit processes.

Unless otherwise agreed with the LA the pre-payment card must be kept within the resident’s apartment and always made accessible to them. 

Powers of Attorney (LPA’s/EPA’s)
Residents may have in place an Enduring Power of Attorney (EPA) or Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) for property and financial affairs. Employees should ask for evidence of this, and copies placed on the resident’s file, the support plan should also reflect this. Copies should also be kept in the housing file.

Any EPAs or LPAs should be involved in any decisions regarding the handling of resident’s finances, and a resident does not have to lack capacity for an LPA for property and financial affairs to come into effect. Further information is provided within the Mental Capacity Act Policy.


If a person is assessed as lacking the capacity to manage their money, the DWP can appoint someone to take responsibility for managing this income. This person is called an appointee.

An appointee is someone appointed by a court of law or government department who is given the legal right to act on someone else’s behalf. Appointeeship relates solely to benefits and does not relate to any other money or property the person may have.

Evidence of appointeeship should be requested, recorded within the support plan and a copy kept on file. 

Deputies for Property and Affairs

Deputies are appointed by the Court of Protection (COP) to manage the property and affairs and/or personal welfare of a person who lacks capacity to make certain decisions. A family member or friend can apply to the COP to act as a deputy.

If there are no friends or family members who are willing and able to take on the role the court can appoint either the (LA) or a solicitor to act as deputy. If you think a resident may need a deputy, you should contact the LA for advice and support.

If there are concerns that an LPA/EPA, appointee or deputy is not providing the resident with enough money, and this is therefore creating financial hardship, please refer to Housing 21 Safeguarding Policy and the LA’s safeguarding policy. 

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