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Posted 14 February 2024

Residents Violet and George moved into the Retirement Living scheme in Bracknell within months of each other, in 2022.  

The couple did not know each other at the time. George first reached out to Violet when her daughter died; he had been through a similar tragic loss, so he sent a card with his phone number written inside if Violet wanted someone to speak to during this difficult time.

Recalling the moment, Violet said: “I took the bull by the horns and phoned him; that was when he asked me to join him for his 70th birthday celebrations the following week.”

The couple enjoyed a meal together, and their relationship blossomed from there.

Not wanting to waste any time, three months later the couple were married at the Housing 21 Retirement Living scheme where they met. George didn’t formally propose; however, he recalls how he had made the decision of marrying Violet shortly after they met.

“Within a fortnight or so, we could not bear to be apart and were virtually living together,” he said.

“Our love snowballed rapidly with each day and even before we moved in together, I knew I wanted more and so I continually asked Vi if she would marry me until she said ‘yes’.”

Family and friends joined the couple to celebrate their wedding day in June and they honeymooned in a chalet on the Isle of Sheppey.

The couple was not looking for love when they made the decision to move into the Retirement Living scheme. Vi said: “We have both previously been married, divorced, and even widowed. Finding love was the last thing either of us expected.

“I had friends who were residents at Retirement Living schemes, so I moved here for the environment. We really enjoy the facilities and socialising and we both love helping other residents out in the scheme.”

Violet and George encourage anyone who is considering the move to Retirement Living to take action and said: “Retirement Living can help remove most of the stress of life in the modern world.

“The best thing about living with Housing 21 is having each other and knowing we can continue to live an independent life together until the end of our days.”

Find out more about Retirement Living at Housing 21: Housing 21 - Housing 21 - Retirement Living

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