Fire Safety Policy

Housing 21 is committed to ensuring that our residents’ homes and office premises are safe and secure place in which to live and work.  We aim to ensure that so far as reasonably practicable our residents, employees, contractors, and public are not exposed to any risks to their health and safety from fire.

This policy supports us to meet our obligations as a responsible landlord and employer and provides assurance that fire safety is appropriately managed throughout the organisation.

This policy applies to all property owned, leased, or managed by Housing 21 and to all employees who will be expected to meet their fire safety responsibilities.

This policy has been drafted in consultation with and approved by our Primary Authority, Cambridgeshire Fire and Rescue Service (created 23 December 2014).

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion 

Housing 21 aspires to embed diversity and inclusion within all our organisational activities to enable these principles to become part of our everyday processes.

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