Roles and Responsibilities

The Chief Executive retains overall responsibility for the implementation of this policy.

The Deputy Chief Executive is responsible for ensuring that adequate resources are made available to enable the objectives of this policy to be met. 

The Deputy Chief Executive is the ‘Accountable Person’ as defined in the Building Safety Act 2022 in relation to higher-risk buildings owned or managed by Housing 21.

The Director of Strategic Asset Management is responsible for the operational delivery of the policy, ensuring this policy is reviewed and kept up to date and will regularly report to the Executive Team (ET), Safety Forum and Board on the progress and performance of the Fire Risk Assessment programme, which shall include:

  • Ongoing completion of fire risk assessments within the agreed timescales
  • Completion of remedial actions identified in the FRA programme against an action plan
  • FRA actions that are overdue against the action plan for completion

The National Health & Safety Manager is responsible for ensuring that any associated procedures are up to date and that the policy and associated procedures are implemented, as well as responsibility for monitoring and review, employee awareness and training and policy development.

The Head of Group Property Compliance is responsible for organising, managing, and monitoring the maintenance and servicing contracts in respect of fire safety systems e.g.,

  • Fire Alarm systems
  • Emergency lighting
  • Sprinkler systems

Housing Management teams have operational responsibility for property and tenancy management.  These teams manage the response or completion, as appropriate, of fire risk assessment actions relevant to the management of properties or tenancies, including completion of Person-Centred Fire Risk Assessments, management of issues relating to inappropriate storage and hoarding.


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