Statement of Intent

The organisation has an obligation under the Health and Safety at Work etc Act, 1974, to ensure all lifts and lifting equipment is maintained to a safe standard to protect our residents, employees and anyone visiting our properties from risks to their health and safety. The organisation will comply with this responsibility by undertaking maintenance repairs, inspections, and thorough examinations in line with legislation.

Lifts or lifting equipment which have been provided for use at work (as defined by the Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations 1998 (LOLER)), must be thoroughly examined by a competent person at regular intervals to ensure that they are safe for use in line with regulation 9 of LOLER. This applies to lifts and hoists used to lift people or loads and includes thorough examination:
• When the equipment is first installed, on initial use.
• Periodically, at reasonable intervals, through the life of the equipment in line with the regulations governing each type of equipment; and
• Following exceptional circumstances liable to jeopardise the safety of the lifting equipment have occurred which may include e.g., damage or failure; being out of use for long periods; major changes which are likely to affect the equipment’s integrity (e.g., modifications or replacement/repair of critical parts).

We are committed to:
• Complying with all relevant legislation including the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 and the Housing Act 2004
• Maintaining and servicing our lifts and lifting equipment
• Commissioning an independent and impartial ‘competent person’ (someone who has sufficient technical and practical knowledge of the lift to be able to detect any defects and assess how significant they are) to undertake thorough examinations.
• Carry out remedial works and supplementary testing as required by the ‘competent person’. The person who performs routine maintenance will not carry out the thorough examination.
• Where others manage and operate our properties, we will check their level of compliance and ensure they are complying with all relevant legislation
• Maintain accurate asset information
• Use skilled, experienced, and well-trained employees
• Seek independent assurance and challenge on our performance
• Report to Board and Safety Forum on our performance in respect of lift management

When a communal lift is out of service, we will endeavour to dispatch our appointed lift contractor within 24 hours

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