
  • Disabled Facilities Grant  

    DFGs are a major source of funding to enable a disabled person to make changes to their home for example to:  

    • widen doors and install ramps  
    • improve access to rooms and facilities – e.g. stairlifts or a downstairs bathroom  
    • provide a heating system suitable for their needs  
    • adapt heating or lighting controls to make them easier to use  


    DFGs are administered by local authorities. DFGs are means tested and can be awarded up to £30,000.  


    The council needs to be happy that the work is:  

    • necessary and appropriate to meet the disabled person’s needs  
    • reasonable and can be done - depending on the age and condition of the property  
  • Appeals Process  

    If a DFG application is rejected the Council’s complaints process can be used to appeal against the decision.  It is useful to check the Council’s DFG policy, to ensure it has been adhered to and the resident treated fairly.  If the Council fails to award a DFG after all of the stages of the Council’s complaints procedure have been exhausted, the complaint can be progressed to the Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman.      

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